Wednesday, March 31, 2010


How am I connected?

Even though I would be considered a “digital native” by Marc Prensky’s definition, I sure don’t feel like one. If you are over 30 and have ever witnessed the speed of a teenage textversation (not sure if I made that word up or if it’s already out there), then you probably have some sense of what I’m talking about. Here are some of the reasons I feel more like a “digital immigrant.”

1. I bought my first computer when I was 20. Prior to that, I typed all of my college papers on a word processor.
2. My first experience with the internet was in college.
3. I have never “tweeted.”
4. I just started texting within the past year and had to buy a new phone with a qwerty keypad to do so.
5. I am currently enrolled in a graduate course to “learn” about the latest technology.

Although I would classify myself as a “digital immigrant,” I have realized I am “connected.” As you can see in my knowledge network mindmap, I actually have quite a few connections. So what digital tools are facilitating my learning and how has my network changed the way I learn? The simple fact that I am responding to this question on my computer and posting it online to my blog is a perfect example of how my network has changed the way I learn. Here are some others:

1. When I am seeking information or the answer to a question, I almost always always google it. Prior to the creation of internet search engines, I would physically go to the library, use print resources, use phone books, call places for information etc. This was extremely time consuming. However, according to George Siemens, “connectivism is driven by the understanding that decisions are based on rapidly altering foundations. New information is continually being acquired and the ability to draw distinctions between important and unimportant information is vital" (Siemens, 2005, para. 24). The need to vet information found on the internet can be time consuming as well.

2. I work out of my house yet I meet regularly with colleagues. I used to do this f2f, but more often we meet through the use of conference calls and webinars. I often receive my training now through online tutorials as opposed to f2f.

3. I am attending graduate school online; I don’t think any explanation is necessary as to how the internet has changed the way I learn in this area.

Decision-making itself is a learning process. Choosing what to learn and the meaning of incoming information is seen through the lens of a shifting reality. While there is a right answer now, it may be wrong tomorrow due to alterations in the information climate affecting the decision (Siemens, 2005, para. 24). What I have learned through mapping out my connections is that my digital resources provide me an ever changing and expanding way to learn. Connectivism to me isn’t so much addressing the mental processes of how we learn, but the physical means in which we acquire knowledge.

Davis, C., Edmunds, E., & Kelly-Bateman, V. (2008). Connectivism. In M. Orey (Ed.), Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology.

Flash Media Program: “Timeline of the History of Learning”

Video Program: “Connectivism” George Siemens

-Amy S.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Problem Solving and Learning Theory Support

Welcome back! You must have found my first post worthy of a return trip to this blog, or you are my fabulous instructor; here to grade me;-) If you had an opportunity to read about me, you know I am working towards an Instructional Design Certificate. Part of this journey requires the creation of this blog. This week my learning focused on the brain and learning, information processing theory, and problem-solving methods during the learning process. It was a lot to process (pun intended)! In order to further my understanding in these areas I have extensively searched high and low (actually more in the middle, sitting at my computer) for articles and websites you may find interesting or helpful on the subjects I referenced above.

Abstract Math has always been a struggle for me, so I found myself drawn to problem solving this week. I found a Math website called Mrs. Glosser’s Math Goodies . This website is a valuable resource for teachers, parents, and students. There are interactive math lessons, games, puzzles, articles, and more. I located two articles related to problem solving in particular. The first article, Mathematics Through Problem Solving by Margaret Taplin, discusses the shift in mathematics from teaching problem solving as a skill, to teaching math through problem solving. Another article by Margaret Taplin, Teaching Values Through a Problem Solving Approach to Mathematics, takes the process of teaching through problem solving even further. She suggests that teaching through problem solving creates flexible learners who are able to adapt to unexpected situations. This approach has implications well beyond math. This will be an interesting topic to ponder. How can I design instruction that promotes student learning through problem solving? If you want more information, research, or articles on problem solving in math, visit the website National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

If you have struggled at all with learning theories (as I have over the past two weeks), then I have the article for you. After extensive searching through the Walden University Library databases (which should require certification in and of itself) I located the article Yanchar, S., South, J., Williams, D., Allen, S., & Wilson, B. (2010). Struggling with theory? A qualitative investigation of conceptual tool use in instructional design. Educational Technology Research & Development, 58(1), 39-60. doi:10.1007/s11423-009-9129-6. This article contains interviews with real life instructional designers. They answer questions related to their level of understanding of, and application of learning theories in their instructional design projects. This is an interesting read regardless of your current level of understanding of learning theory.

I hope you find the resources I have provided you useful in your quest for instructional design knowledge!

Have a great day!

-Amy S.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Blogs for Instructional Designers

Amazingly enough, my first blog post ever is about how to direct you away from this blog and towards other blogs. Brilliant, I know! Actually, this has been a valuable lesson for me that I am passing on to you. There are countless bloggers out there (actually I’m sure we could count them, but I’m not going to) and fortunately some of them happen to blog about instructional design. Luckily for newbies to the industry like me, these bloggers are willing to share extremely valuable information on the world of instructional design. Today I am going to share three blogs that I have come across and give you a little insight into their offerings.

1. Making change: Ideas for lively elearning This blog is written by Cathy Moore who is an instructional designer with over 25 years of experience. Her posts are extremely informative, fun to read, and watch (yes, there are videos). This is a blog I will be spending a lot of time reading and interacting with because it contains tons of information and real life examples I find useful in getting ready to be an instructional designer. Click on her recommended posts to catch up if you are new to the blog. This is a blog for those with all levels of ID experience.

2.Experiencing E-Learning This blog is written by Christy Tucker. I chose this blog partially because of the career path similarities Christy and I share. She is a former teacher (like me) who moved into corporate training (like me, although I’m in educational training) and is now creating online training (what I’d like to be doing). Christy gives some great info and links on getting started in ID. She also provides bookmarks of great ID sites so it can save you some time surfing for resources!

3.The Rapid E-Learning Blog This blog is written by Tom Kuhlmann who has over 15 years of experience in the training industry. Tom offers informative and fun to read posts for instructional designers of all levels from “Designing the Right Course” to “Managing E-Learning Projects.” For newbies to the industry, check out his post “A Roadmap for Building an E-Learning Course.” It provides a lot of food for thought on getting started in instructional design. This is definitely a blog to follow for designers of all experience levels.

Hopefully I’ve proven my blog's worthiness by providing you with some phenomenal ID resources and maybe you’ll come back and visit sometime.

Have a great day!